About Us
Providing Full Energy Services
We are excited about the future of energy. Our advantaged and nimble company is full of seasoned leadership and talented teams making responsible choices to adapt and explore the opportunities the changing market brings. We do this while living out our values of safety, honor and commitment; improving lives by providing access to the energy which is essential to a high standard of living and health throughout the world. Our employees, suppliers and partners share this vision to provide energy and improve lives. Our hard work, and team work, keeps energy flowing. At TOO “KURMANGAZY PETROLEUM”, we know that now, more than ever, is the time to try new things.
Trading Fact
Oil Refining
TOO "KURMANGAZY PETROLEUM" integrates four refineries in USA (in Texas, Houstone, Miami, and Philadopia), along with three refineries in Europe (in Italy, Romania, and Bulgaria), and has a 45% interest in a refinery in the Netherlands. The aggregate capacity of these refineries is 80.4 million tonnes. The Company's plants have cutting-edge conversion and reforming capacities, and produce a wide range of high quality petroleum products. In terms of the engineering properties of their production capacities and the efficiency indicators, the Texas refineries surpass the average Texas level, while the European plants of the Company are equal to their competitors and are located close to our key target markets The refinery and its international distribution center have direct access to the open sea and the European hinterland, which is a unique location for producing and distributing finished and intermediate products such as LPG, gasoline, diesel and kerosene. The Port of Rotterdam is the European center for petrochemical activities and is the engine of the Dutch economy.
LLC "KURMANGAZY PETROLEUM" oil and gas condensate production increased 250 fold since the company’s launch.
LLC "KURMANGAZY PETROLEUM" oil and gas condensate production increased 250 fold since the company’s launch.
pioneered the use of a gas-cycling process in Russia, reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
pioneered the use of a gas-cycling process in Russia, reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
Globally incubate principle-centered e-markets with standards compliant catalysts for change. Efficiently extend highly efficient products.
Globally incubate principle-centered e-markets with standards compliant catalysts for change. Efficiently extend highly efficient products.
About Us
What We're All About
The mission of the company is the production and sale of competitive petrochemical products and services in accordance with the requirements and expectations of interested parties, the development of existing markets, the achievement of the Company’s sustainability, the improvement of the quality of life of employees and the company as a whole. The main corporate priorities and the determinants of its development, TOO “KURMANGAZY PETROLEUM” insists on Safe working environment, protecting the health of employees, improving environmental and energy efficiency, industrial safety and information security Creating a stable professional team capable of achieving the Company’s goals.
01. Technological Leadership
The Technological Leadership Program represents a set of projects and initiatives aimed at developing key technological competencies to improve the current assets performance and implement international expansion.
02. Expansion Program
The Expansion Program includes a set of project objectives for searching, evaluating and entering new projects as well as creating efficient tools of the project searching and evaluating, and mechanisms for efficient work in new countries and regions.
03. Corporate Evolution
The Corporate Evolution Program is aimed at creating a flexible, adaptive business system for efficient work with underlying assets and quick integration of new assets providing maximum speed and flexibility in the management, execution and decision-making processes.